About Accucera


About Accucera Global

Towards the Perfection

AccuceraGlobal is a renowned producer of laboratory equipment in India who has been making products for the medical industry. We aim to provide our clients with not just top-notch medical lab equipment but also expertise, professionalism, and the most comprehensive guarantees.

Accucera Global is founded by Mr. Avneet Singh with the vision and goal to provide safety, quality and good health all across the world.

Pre-analytical stages are still frequently disregarded in the current environment, where laboratories strive to have best-in-class automation and quality control programs with a vision to achieve analytical excellence and perfections. This is due to a lack of expertise across various cross-sections of laboratories.

Thus, AccuceraGlobal places a strong emphasis on offering the greatest preanalytical quality goods along with tailored training programs to answer the current preanalytical stage problem.

We distinguish ourselves from other organizations via our teamwork and consulting attitude. AccuceraGlobal focuses on the goal & desire to develop analytical excellence across laboratories in India in collaboration with one of the top producers of blood collection needles and blood collection tubes worldwide. invertekenergy